This CPAC conference just exposed why the Republican Party is dying

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It’s happening again, folks. I am speaking of CPAC. The last time the GOP gathered for such a convention, I compared them to Icarus. As I’ve mentioned, Icarus, in Greek mythology, was the son of master craftsman Daedalus. Attempting to escape captivity, the two flew on delicate wings of wax and feathers. They flew with giddiness.

There had been a warning issued, and that was to stay away from flying too high or low. And whatever you do, don’t fly near the sun. Alas, Icarus did not heed the words of his father. Engulfed in the moment, hubris surrounding him, Icarus thought himself untouchable and flew too high. His wings melted, and he tumbled from the sky into the waiting waters of the deep blue sea. A very cautionary tale indeed. But this is a story that the GOP likely will never understand.

Right now, CPAC is filled with defiant and silly GOP members, drunk on the imagined power of their own hubris. They are, I suppose, imagining tremendous and beautiful things happening in the 2022 midterms. They are engaged in conspiracy theories. Cards are being handed out, outlining plots to get the former guy back in the office. GOP members are accusing Democrats of satanic sacrifices. I kid you not. This is the new party of the GOP.

My friends, the “Grand Old Party” is dead. They died a long time ago. The Republican party now is filled with useless individuals cursed by their hubris, forced into subservience to a raging psychopath I suspect many of them don’t even like.

Their arrogance has doomed them. Like Icarus, the Grand Old Party has fallen far. They have yet to realize this fact if they ever do.

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