This a total dumpster fire

“Hey fire, you hungry?” The words above were spoken this past weekend. This weekend, in the state of Idaho, certain people decided they had enough. Not enough of racism or crime or domestic terrorism. No, what they had enough of was wearing a mask to protect themselves and others from COVID.

So, this group decided to wage war on masks. They gathered near the Idaho Capitol steps in Boise. And they proceeded to burn their masks. Amid screams and catcalls, they ignited flames in open barrels. These people were supported by Idaho Republican State Representatives Dorothy Moon and Heather Scott.

Screaming such chants as “smell the freedom, baby” and “Hey fire, you hungry,” they cheered and yelled with joy. And not all of them were adults.

It’s a tough story to write. Some of these protesters indeed brought along the kids. And these children, who most likely had no idea what to make of what was happening, happily complied with the burning of their safety nets from a deadly disease because that’s what their parents were doing.

No doubt, they thought it was a game. Burning their masks as the flame danced and their parents shouted their pride, I am sure the little children glowed from all the attention.

It makes me sick. I am sure it makes you sick. And it should make these Republican Representatives sick. I think about the past when parents brought their children to lynchings. These children are too young to understand the implications here. The CDC does, which is why they have new guidelines, including that mask-wearing is still essential.

The protests are being looked into as it is illegal to burn open flames. I hope it is looked into. My heart goes out to these children, victims of the Trumpism of their parents.

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