Some on the left are already trying to sabotage President Biden and the Democrats

The rhetoric and craziness surrounding the Democrats lately has reached unbelievable proportions. It is getting to the point where it could seriously hurt the Democrats in the 2022 midterms. Let’s break it down.

First off, let me emphasize that having differing opinions is good. It’s great. It is what the Democrats are all about. I am sure nobody agrees with every decision that every Democrat has made. But we have to understand the difference between reality and fantasy.

So, yes, we all have different opinions. What is unfathomable to me is the venom with which some people are attacking those in their party. It isn’t comforting. And frankly, I saw this back in 2008 when Obama took office. I saw it not two weeks after Obama assumed the Presidency. I remember the comments and conversations. This, mind you, was 14 days after he’d become the President.

Some people do not like Biden and never wanted him in office, and these people are not all the far right. Without naming names, I have seen some well-known individuals who call themselves Democrats engaging in the “Biden let us down” mantra. Many of these same people say things like, “Bernie would have done it by now.” That is frankly poppycock. Bernie was never going to win. Many people do not like the term “Socialist,” plus some of his views were too extreme for mainstream American voters.

I say all this not to dissuade anyone from offering an opinion but to hopefully raise some awareness about something that could deeply hurt the Democrats going into the midterms if this chatter is still prevalent. Be alert when you see this stuff, and please examine the motivations of some of the more absurd conspiracy theories about the Democrats. Above all, stay true to yourself and remember why we elected Joe Biden in the first place.

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