Ron DeSantis has no idea what he’s even trying to do

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The feud between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and “corporate” media just got nastier. DeSantis gave Fox News (his new state tv) an exclusive of him signing a contentious voter suppression bill Thursday, refusing to allow other news media in to cover or even observe the event.

The bill the Governor signed puts restrictions on mail-in ballots and limits drop boxes in a state that has long been known for the ease of its state-wide mail-in voting system, as well as it’s quick and flawless system of counting the mail-in ballots, ever since the Bush/Gore election and the dangling chad fiasco.

The signing was known to be happening in West Palm Beach well ahead of time, yet the Governor’s staff turned away and barred all reporters from attending, except Fox News.

So let me get this straight. Republicans claim it is a free speech violation when private companies ban the former guy from using their platforms, which they have every right to do under the First Amendment, without government interference, yet the Republican Florida government itself can ban all news media from appearing and asking questions at a well-publicized and significant event, they showed up for, except its favorite, Fox News, who would kiss the Governor’s ring at the ceremony if asked. Now isn’t that a legitimate First Amendment violation?

If I were reporter I would be making a complaint with the Attorney General, just because I could (and of course it would be fun to try to get Gov DeSantis in trouble).

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