How we get Lauren Boebert removed from office

On January 13th, in a letter to Nancy Pelosi, sixty-eight elected officials from Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert’s 3rd Congressional District expressed their “condemnation of Representative Lauren Boebert based on her association with the right wing groups that supported the insurrection of the Capitol Building” and requested an investigation of Boebert’s actions.

Boebert denied association with the groups, denied giving unauthorized Capitol tours to some alleged insurrectionists on January 5th, and denied tweeting Pelosi’s location during the January 6th insurrection. Well, of course she’s denied it. I’m sure she’d like to keep her job, not to mention her freedom. Aiding and abetting an insurrection bent on overthrowing the lawfully elected government is a crime. And not just any crime but one that, under the 14th Amendment Sec. 3 of the Constitution, which I’m sure she’s read having just sworn to uphold it 3 days prior, could get her expelled from Congress.

That clause in our Constitution is just about the only way to get rid of a seditionist traitor to the United States of America. Why? Because we, the electorate, of every state, are not allowed the recourse of Recall of a national elected official. Most states, including Colorado, have Recall in their state statutes so every one of those 68 elected officials must answer to their constituents or a Recall petition may be brought – but not Boebert.

Any Senator or Representative, must be expelled if they are found to have supported the insurrection of January 6th or the attempt to disenfranchise voters from Georgia or Pennsylvania. Voters: be careful who you vote for. You can’t get rid of them easily.

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