The term, “Public Enemy No. 1” was originally coined by the J. Edgar Hoover FBI in the 1930s to alert the public to particularly dangerous criminals and the need to apprehend and bring them to justice as soon as possible. Over the years that term has been applied to some really bad people, like crime boss Al Capone, bank robber John Dillinger, murderer “Pretty Boy” Floyd, and drug racketeer-murderer “El Chapo” Guzman.
Today, there is no one more deserving of that title than our disgraced ex-POTUS, Donald John Trump. He has a lot in common with the past public enemies number one, such as running a criminal enterprise like Al Capone, robbing the federal banks and treasury like John Dillinger, heading a threating and intimidating illegal gang like El Chapo Guzman, and even murder for causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and others in the world by his denigration of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the totally inept handling of the effort to fight the Covid pandemic while in office.
Public Enemy Trump has even gone further than his criminal predecessors by turning his evil and hateful ire toward and directly causing his MAGA mob of rabid followers to make death threats against many responsible governmental officers and institutions that would dare stand in the way of and oppose his crimes and illegal actions: public health officials, election workers, national archives personnel, law-enforcement officers, Justice Department attorneys, high state officials, judges, courts, the U.S. Congress, his own Vice President, and other respected public officials and institutions. He has single-handedly done irreparable damage to our nation and our democratic way of life.
Public Enemy Trump may have even committed the high crime of treason against our country by trying to overthrow a legitimate election and our government, and giving aid and support to our nation’s enemies by his unlawful possession and irresponsible handling of highly classified and secret government documents.
Based on the foregoing facts, I, a citizen, voter, and member of the American people, hereby nominate fellow citizen Donald John Trump to the designation of “Public Enemy No. 1.” May he be apprehended and brought to justice as soon as possible, before he causes any more danger and harm to our nation and the world.