President Biden’s numbers are off the charts

It looks like our international image is flourishing under President Biden! This is not a surprise and is a cause for celebration. The Pew Research Center conducted a poll in 16 countries. And the results were outstanding for our President.

According to the poll, more than six in ten individuals said they approve of Biden. And according to Pew, in twelve of these countries, a median of 75% have confidence in President Biden This is fantastic news that really should not surprise us. But it is excellent to hear good news. Might I also add that only 17% had confidence in Trump in a similar poll taken in 2020?

Some of the countries that participated in this poll include Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, South Korea, and the U.K. The poll was conducted from March 12 through May 26.

The message this poll sends is loud and clear. America is back. And our allies have noticed. And the reason that America is back is because of people like you, who voted, who encouraged others to vote, and who refused to be defeated.

We unseated the most corrupt President in the history of this great nation and replaced him with a man who is not only competent but has the virtues of dignity, grace, and courage. His wife, our new first lady, shines as brightly as sunlight.

America had four years of bleak and horrendous torture as we were in the grip of a madman who cared not for what happened to anyone or anything. But now, America is back, she shines brightly, and once again, we are looked upon as the prosperous country we are.

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