President Biden’s approval rating is off the charts

Two new polls show President Biden’s approval ratings are very high on the most important issues facing Americans today. An ABC News/Ipsus poll shows Biden’s approval for handling of the Covid pandemic to be a whopping 72%. His handling of vaccine distribution has an even higher approval at 75%.

Gallup’s March survey showed the economy to be the nation’s top problem for the first time in seven months. Biden’s handling of the economy garnered 60% approval in ABC’s poll, showing Biden is receiving strong marks where it helps him the most politically.

Unlike other recent polls though, ABC reflects highly partisan numbers: Biden scored extremely high with Democrats and Independents, but much lower with Republicans. Democrats approved Biden’s handling of the public health crisis by 96%, vaccine delivery by 92%, and economic response by 89%. Independents gave Biden very strong scores on the same at 74%, 77% and 63%, respectively. But with Republicans, Biden only scored 44%, 53% and 23%, ironically receiving his highest mark for vaccine distribution, defying conservative media’s and Trump’s own claims that Trump should be given credit for that.

Biden did not do so well with issues deemed less important by Americans — immigration and gun control — receiving 57% disapproval for both. (Biden’s highest disapproval within his own party was for not adequately acting on gun reform.) Only 8% in the Gallop poll said immigration was a top problem. A mere 1% said guns were a top problem, but it appears this survey was before the recent mass shootings.

Still, Biden’s poor approval numbers should serve as a warning, even though they most likely had to do with Americans’ unrealistic desire for instant gratification. Biden recently addressed immigration and gun control problems as follows: “They’ve been around a long time. And what we’re going to be able to do, God willing, is now begin one at a time to focus on those as well…. Successful presidents — better than me — have been successful, in large part, because they know how to time what they’re doing — order it, decide and prioritize what needs to be done.” Makes sense to me!

The bottom line is that Biden is succeeding because he is addressing what Americans care about the most.

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