No, Kimberly Guilfoyle, absolutely not

Don’t do it, ABC. I do not like to call out specific networks, but I have no choice if what I am hearing is true. So, as many of you are aware, there’s this little ole show called “The View.” The hosts are various women from all different backgrounds. One of them is Meghan McCain.

McCain is, of course, the daughter of Senator and American hero John McCain. McCain’s stay on the view has been controversial. She is the major Republican voice. She is known to get into on-air skirmishes and is often accused of talking over people.

It was quite a shock for many when Meghan announced this season would be her last on “The View.” Many were overjoyed. Maybe they shouldn’t have been. ABC is now seeking a replacement for McCain.

That is where I am going with all this. If the whispers and reporting are true and I do not know what is true about this show, one of the people ABC is considering hiring is Donald Trump Jr.’s gal pal, Kimberly Guilfoyle. There have also been reports that ABC has tried to hire her in the past more than once.

This is the kind of thing that makes me sick. So, I am calling out for ABC NOT to even consider this bizarre move. We CANNOT – we must not normalize these people.

When I speak of “these people,” I am speaking of insurrection supporters, Biden election deniers, etc. Guilfoyle may not be a family member of the former guy, but she’s as close as it gets.

She is involved with the crazed son of the former guy. She has made speeches that range from David Koresh-like in their maniacal delivery to just plain absurd.

I will boycott if ABC does this. I hope many do. I hope this is NOT true, in which case I would heave a sigh of relief.

No doubt there is a temptation to hire her because of the amusement factor. People would tune in to laugh at her. Don’t. If this vermin ever finds her way to mainstream TV, walk away. Please. We cannot and will not ever normalize the behavior of the worst of humanity.

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