Michael Cohen thinks Allen Weisselberg is already cooperating against Donald Trump

Michael Cohen appeared on Ari Melber’s “The Beat” on MSNBC Wednesday night. Cohen has cooperated in all the investigations against Trump in multiple jurisdictions, but Ari was questioning him about the recent New York Times article claiming the Manhattan District Attorney will soon be indicting Allen Weisselberg, Trump’s CFO.

Cohen praised the NY Times article as phenomenal reporting, but claimed he believes Weisselberg is already cooperating with the Manhattan DA and providing information. The only questions are how much is Weisselberg cooperating, and what kind of deal did he make – not just for himself, but for his family? Cohen believes Weisselberg will end up cooperating fully against Trump, whether for partial or full immunity, because he knows if he doesn’t someone else will. Weisselberg’s ex-daughter-in-law has also gone on record that Weisselberg would do anything to protect his sons.

Cohen pointed out Weisselberg is not the DA’s primary target, but collateral damage — same as Weisselberg’s sons, Barry and Jeff, and same as Cohen was in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case. Weisselberg received limited immunity for providing information against Cohen in that hush-money scheme.

Weisselberg only need ask himself — do you want to remain loyal to Trump, who would not hesitate to throw you and your family under the bus, or save yourself and your sons from going to prison for a very long time? Weisselberg has to know everyone in Trump’s orbit will get thrown under the bus by Trump. They all lied for Trump while working for him — it’s just what Trump demands and how he operates. Weisselberg’s favorite word is “conundrum,” and Weisselberg has been in one for awhile. Cohen thinks the lowest hanging fruit will be indicted first. The guilty include Trump’s children by his first marriage.

Per Cohen, Weisselberg was the gateway for every cent in and out of Trump’s organization, helped run all of Trump’s businesses, and knows everything about them. Ari pointed out after Cohen’s appearance that others in-the-know say Weisselberg has a kind of idealization of Trump, and did not seem quite so convinced as Cohen was that Weisselberg would fully cooperate in the end, if at all. I tend to agree with Cohen that the only reason Weisselberg would not cooperate fully in the end would be if someone else beat him to it.

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