Matt Gaetz just made things even worse for himself

Matt Gaetz is mad. And he is not going to take it anymore. In the latest installment of “As Matt Gaetz crashes and burns,” the Floridian Congressman has gone full-on mental against CNN.

Gaetz referred to himself as both a “firebrand” and a “warrior.” But it appears he is acting more like an idiot. In his latest move, he spent some significant funds that he probably should have saved for a lawyer on an ad buy against CNN.

There is an issue with the ad, though. One cannot understand it. No, I’m serious. Go to his page and listen for yourself. There is indeed a great deal of white noise. But I do not think the sound of white noise is what Gaetz was going for here.

Gaetz appears deeply proud of this ad buy as he has it as his pinned tweet. The fact that the ad is terrible and says virtually nothing does not appear to be an issue for the Floridian.

Gaetz is trying so hard to be Trump it’s embarrassing. And he is failing miserably. First off, there is only one Trump (thank goodness for that!). Second, Gaetz is just embarrassing himself. I don’t know if he reads the responses to his tweets, but most of them tell him all this and more.

This ad will not help him with the FBI and will do nothing to clean up his image. Actually, Gaetz and Trump share one thing in common. Both are completely clueless about themselves and everything around them.

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