Marjorie Taylor Greene is completely out of control

Occasionally there comes a Republican so idiotic that one marvels that this person could find their way out of their own house, let alone get elected to political office. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is one such person. The woman is the hate gift that keeps on hating and judging by her latest actions, that hate does not appear to be stopping anytime soon. Here is the latest garbage move Greene has pulled.

It started with Democratic Congresswoman Marie Newman. Newman put a transgender flag outside her office. Newman is a champion of transgender rights and happens to have a daughter who is transgender.

Unfortunately, Newman’s office sits directly across from Greene’s. Greene did not like seeing that flag. So, she decided to do something about it. Being the pathetic racist troublemaker that she is, Greene responded to Newman by posting her own poster outside her office. Here are the, ahem, loving and kind comments on the said poster: “There are TWO genders: Male & Female. Trust the science.”

Rarely am I speechless, but Greene’s wicked stunt is so horrendous it rendered even myself a bit stunned. This, people, is an elected member of Congress. Hard to believe, isn’t it? With this despicable move, Greene has no doubt crowned herself the queen of hate. Maybe someone should tell her that but being the evil creature that she is, no doubt she’d consider that a compliment.

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