Marjorie Taylor Greene has bonkers meltdown

Congresswoman and a human basket case, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was temporarily locked out of her Twitter account. I must say Twitter was much more relaxing without this woman spreading her hateful and vile rhetoric. Alas, Greene did get her account back.

Unfortunately, the brief lockdown seems only to have made her loonier. Marjorie did not take her brief Twitter expelling well, to say the least. The brawl-ready Greene was told it was all an error, which does make sense. These kinds of things do happen.

Except with this specific error, Marjorie’s paranoia seems to have reached the breaking point. In a series of Twitter posts, Greene let her followers know she did not regard this as an honest mistake and, in what might be one of her strangest Tweets yet, demanded Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey email her.

Here is her tweet: “I was just told @Twitter suspended me for 12 hrs in “error,” on the same day Dems introduced a resolution to expel me from Congress. What a coincidence? Twitter’s little error wasn’t resolved until after 12 hrs. @jack which employee made the “error?” Reply to my email, Jack”

Sigh. Yes, Margie. I am sure Jack Dorsey has nothing better to do than sit at his desk awaiting an email from you. The Georgia Congresswoman lost her mind a long time ago, but we can add paranoia to the list of her ever-evolving personality with this tweet. No word on whether Jack has responded to the hysterical Congresswoman. Somehow, I doubt it.

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