Donald Trump’s “many meetings” debacle

Just think! Lara Trump can book your charity at Mar-A-Lago and have Donald Trump lie about your charity too. Donald Trump can talk about how he has helped dogs and everything! Well, he helped dogs after taking $1.8 million dollars from your charity for being booked at Mar-A-Lago. The donations that were given to this charity were presumably to help dogs, not to help Donald Trump’s finances.

Trump says, “And we had many meetings in the White House, in the Oval Office having to do with saving and helping dogs. And that’s what we wanted to do.” Except that he didn’t. But never mind. Trump always seems to talk like that.

“A review of Trump’s calendar as president reveals no other events or meetings focused on dogs or pets,” Washington Post’s Philip Bump reports. “It is certainly the case that Trump’s days were often filled with informal conversations in person and on the phone, some of which may have included discussion of the subject.”

The New Civil Rights Movement did a search on Trump’s White House archives but found only a few references about dogs. But never mind. This is the way Trump talks. This is why they hire his properties to do this stuff. They want to hear him lie about stuff and it’s all good.

Some former Presidents write their memoirs and make speeches and stuff, so this is just all part of that. Except that no former President actually owns a hotel venue that can be booked for an exorbitant price so that the former President might stop in and say a word about your charity. But it’s a Trump thing and it’s all good.

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