MAGA is melting down

MAGA is melting down again. Why is that? Before I attempt to answer this question, I must say that there is no rhyme or reason when it comes to MAGA. Their thinking patterns are off, as I am sure you all know.

So what is it that is ailing the cult? It is the January 6 commission. MAGA is pissed that Democrats are the ones in charge. The non-logic of MAGA never ceases to amaze me. Many in the GOP voted against a commission because this is what MAGA seemed to want. Now, MAGA is infuriated. How dare liberals run this commission?

They are wailing and angry. Anger and MAGA are words that just naturally go together. Of course, there is nothing they can do now. They had their chance. It isn’t like they did not know what would happen.

MAGAs are also furious that Nancy Pelosi gets to pick the people on the committee. This is also something they had the chance to weigh in on. At least their Senators had that chance. And these Senators voted no. This was a foolish move for them but as anger and MAGA go together, so do stupidity and Republicans. Am I too harsh? The answer, I believe, is no. As for MAGA – they made their bed, and now they have no choice but to scream in it.

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