Lindsey Graham sounds completely insane in latest TV interview

The Senator from South Carolina does not seem to be able to quit Donald Trump. And he keeps making ridiculous statements that only seem to get him in deeper. Graham did an interview with Axios on HBO. Of course, Trump was the subject. Everybody, it seems, wants to know why Graham continues to defend the insurrectionist.

And Graham, answering this question, gave a heck of an answer. Speaking earnestly, The Senator said (with a straight face) that Trump has “magic.”

“What I’m trying to do is just harness the magic,” the clueless Senator said. One wonders about this “magic.” Is Trump a Genie in a bottle? What is this magic about which he speaks?

Graham also went on to say Trump has the power to make the GOP more diverse. I am not sure how that is possible when Trump has ridiculed Women, People of color, disabled individuals, and many others. Who are the new people Graham thinks Trump will bring to the party? Dr. Seuss? Mr. Potato Head?

Graham did concede one thing. He said Trump does indeed have “a dark side.” You think? Trump’s whole soul is quite dark, although Graham does not appear to realize this. This is the same Senator who just recently said Trump “allowed” him into his world. Sigh.

Although I hope Graham recovers from his never-ending quest to make America Trumpian again, I also hope at some point he realizes we are over Individual One even if Lindsey is not.

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