Lindsey Graham just gave away how afraid he is of what’s coming next

Lindsey Graham, making his rounds in an attempt to get ahead of the Trump trial in the Senate, has threatened Democrats if they bring forth any witnesses, he will go after Kamala Harris. During an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Lindsey said,

“If you’re going to pursue this, and you wanna start calling witnesses, and you want to drag this thing out, it would be fair to have Kamala Harris’ tape play where she bailed people out of jail. What more could you do to incite future violence, than to pay the bail of the people who broke up the shops and beat up the cops. How’s that not inciting future violence? Be careful what you wish for my Democratic colleagues, be careful what you wish for.”

Lindsey has either not done his homework or has bought into the conspiracy theories himself. Graham is trying to tie VP Harris to a video that Reuters in October 2020 debunked. Reuters found that the video in question left out that Harris had already condemned the violence in August. However, it is easy to see where Graham is heading with this tactic.

Lindsey would like to muddy the waters and say if this video is misunderstood, couldn’t the Trump videos also be misunderstood? The answer is no. Trump’s denouncement of the violence came after the tweets and speeches, while Harris’s denouncement of violence came before.
Lindsey’s threat of going after Kamala Harris reveals that he’s afraid. Do you remember the phone calls to Georgia that Trump made? Don’t forget that Lindsey also made a phone call to Georgia. Graham would like nothing more than the whole episode swept under the rug, not just for Trump’s sake, but his own.

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