Larry Elder must be stopped in the California Governor recall election

As the California recall election heats up and more people cast their votes, there exists a Republican who very much wants to see Governor Newsom lose. Now don’t get me wrong — there are many Republicans in this race — dozens. But one, in particular, is especially vile, and his name is Larry Elder.

Elder is a radio personality, a staunch COVID denier, and an overall contemptuous person. One of his interests is seeing the federal minimum wage reduced to zero, which should tell you something about where his priorities are.

Elder would seek to destroy California if he won. The man has no decency, does not believe in many women’s rights, and would make California a hotbed for COVID. But now Elder is under fire for something new. And that something is domestic abuse.

Domestic violence accusations have been made against Elder from his former fiancee. And it appears the Los Angeles police are taking this seriously. The accusations involve Elder pulling a gun on his former fiancee during their breakup as well as Elder shoving her.

Elder’s former fiancee, Alexandria Datig, spoke with CNN about her treatment by Elder: “Larry Elder brandished a weapon in conversation with me during our breakup. He checked to see if his gun was loaded.”

This is the man who could possibly replace Newsom should the recall be successful. I am sure the majority of California does not want to see an alleged misogynist in the Governor’s mansion. So, let’s do all we can to keep Newsom in power.

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