Kevin McCarthy runs and hides

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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is the latest suffering from the collective #GOPAmnesia sweeping through the party faithful. In a press briefing after Majorie Taylor Greene received a standing ovation, McCarthy took to the podium: “I think it could be helpful if you could hear exactly what she told all of us. Denouncing Q-on, I don’t know if I say it right, I don’t even know what it is.”

McCarthy is just the latest GOP member suffering from #GOPAmnesia where Qanon is concerned. Senator Tommy Tuberville is another unfortunate victim of the #GOPAmnesia. A reporter questioned the Senator about Marjorie Taylor Greene and her videos purporting Jewish Space Lasers and Qanon; Tuberville said: “I haven’t even looked at what she’s done. Travel in this weather; it’s been a little rough looking at any news or whatever.”

This disease appears to not only inflict its memory wiping effects on politicians but television opinion hosts. The latest victim being Sean Hannity, who took to the airways to say neither he nor his conservative friends even know what Qanon is.

Further evidence of #GOPAmnesia is on full display in the Senate now that the GOP is in the minority. Lindsey Graham, caught in the throws of flabbergastery, complained that the Democrats ran through a 1.9 trillion dollar relief bill that was partisan. Lindsey completely has forgotten about the Trump tax cut. Mitch McConnell has fallen ill with #GOPAmnesia while lamenting unity in the Senate while forgetting he said in Obama’s first term that their goal was to make Obama a “one-term president.”

Aside from being painfully evident and disingenuous, GOP leadership signals they will not be held responsible for the last ten years. They’ve changed their number, and if you call, they’ll say, “Who dis? New phone.”

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