It’s fun watching the Republicans implode like this

The GOP is imploding in real time. And as we watch this implosion, it is difficult not to be shocked at some of the very obvious mistakes many GOP members are making. Nikki Haley is a great example. She cannot seem to make up her mind who she wants to be (today). First, she is for Trump and then against him and then for him again. It is enough to make one shake their head.

Then there is Donald Trump himself. The insurrectionist’s thing has always been the grift. Trump’s about making money. His craven soul is not opened to anything else; he cannot and does not express empathy. He is about two things. Those are money and vengeance.

With great amusement, I must inform you that multiple outlets are now saying Mr. Trump’s attorneys have sent cease-and-desist letters to the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee. These letters reportedly demand the organizations stop using Trump’s name and likeness in this fundraising.

This is not good news for the Insurrectionist party who have tied themselves to Trump and seem lost about what to run on except Trump and Mr. Potato Head. It is also easy to see why Trump is doing this. He wants all money and donations to come directly to him.

And he will need that money. I wrote an article a while back comparing Trump to Charles Manson, and I stand by that. There is a good chance Trump will see criminal charges brought against him for the terrorist attack that he incited. And this is in addition to all the other investigations against him. In the meantime, Republicans are going to scramble with this latest Trump stunt. Get the popcorn ready because the GOP problems are not going away anytime soon.

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