Is Roger Stone unindicted co-conspirator UCC-1?

The Washington Post and NPR reported Friday afternoon that two Proud Boys leaders were arrested and charged with conspiring to overwhelm police, obstruct Congress in order to prevent the certification of President Biden’s Electoral College victory, and take over the Capitol on Jan. 6, revealing detailed new encrypted communications between the alleged leaders and an “unindicted co-conspirator”, as well as two other Proud Boys, whose arrests were reported last Wednesday.
The five co-conspirators were communicating vis radio with 60 others on an encrypted channel called Boots on the Ground, including discussions to “go over tomorrow’s plan.” But the group feared it was so close to being uncovered by the FBI, and hit with criminal gang counts, they erased or nuked all of their communicstions on that channel on Jan. 4th, and created a new channel, called “MOSD,” on the same date after the arrest of their national leader, preventing him from taking part in the actual insurrection.
The co-conspirators continued planning activities on MOSD, including the unindicted co-conspirator named UCC-1, who was giving orders. These Proud Boys did not attend Trump’s rally, but breached the Capitol using bear spray and the officers’ riot shields against them. One of the leaders announced it over the radio when they breached the Capitol, saying “We stormed the Capitol unarmed.”.
Chief instigators raised money for their protective gear, radios, and travel. They dressed “incognito” to evade police. Before breaching the Capitol they led chants and taunted police, threatening to “take the Capitol.”
Three of the four co-conspirators are ex-military. I can’t help but wonder if UCC-1 is Roger Stone and investigators are trying to obtain his cooperation to go after bigger fish.