Sticking it to House Republicans

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Did your local Republican Congressional Representative follow the Trump party line and vote against making a referral to the Department of Justice to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a lawful subpoena to testify before the congressional January 6 committee?

I’ve drafted a suggested letter to the editor for Palmer Report readers to use as a template to send to their local media, should they wish to call out this cowardly action.

We need to hold the Trumpublicans’ feet to the fire and try to win over the independent voters prior to the 2022 midterms. This is a great way for you readers to actively get involved in the fight for our democracy.

Dear Editor:

Our area U.S. Representative, _______, has shown [his/her] preference of party over principle and the rule of law in voting against the issuance of a criminal referral to the Department of Justice for Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress. Bannon defiantly refused to comply with a lawful subpoena to testify before the January 6 insurrection investigation committee of Congress.

Representative _____ cannot honestly stand before the public in the future and claim that [he/she] is honoring [his/her] oath to uphold the Constitution, when [he/she] has thumbed [his/her] nose at our democracy and nation by refusing to support the investigation of the diabolical plot by the parties responsible for the deadly attack on Congress and our American democracy last January 6.

Thank you for your consideration of my views.


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