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The GOPQ, the Orange Party of the Golden Arse, are intent on bringing the Republic down. They intend to do it as Steve Bannon declared way back when, B.C. (Before Covid). The intention is to ‘deconstruct the government.’ The GOPQ are following that declaration of intent.

The first move was allowing the Former Fellow to do as he was criminally wont; over-turning convention, up-ending tradition, thumbing his nose at custom, law and regulation.

The second stage was to subvert the electoral process by crying ‘Fraud’ at every turn and chasing a chimera bolstered by My Pillow Guy, and the alt/truth bunch.

The third and current stage is to destroy any vague or implied notion of separation of church and state. This sets up the white evangelicals as the ruling party and the dominant class. Former evangelist, Frank Shaeffer, has repeatedly warned us of the bond created between the Orange One and the Evangelical right; a marriage made in racist Hades. This stage runs concurrently with the disenfranchisement of American voters and the establishment and entrenchment of a white supremacist theocracy.

The GOPQ doesn’t see the general population as their fellow citizens; they see them as illegitimate interlopers. For the GOPQ, ‘legitimacy’ is a matter of skin color, race, culture, gender-identity and heritage. They see all those who are not in their camp as lesser and subordinate.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, 33 states have introduced, pre-filed, or carried more than 165 restrictive bills this year to suppress and disenfranchise American voters. These bills must not be enacted if the Republic is to survive.

Passing the Equality Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
will rectify this hateful violation the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of suffrage and redeem the Republic.

Palmer Report Needs You: if you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help greatly: Donate Here.