Everyone piles on after Tucker Carlson melts down

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Tucker Carlson has done it again. It seems every time I think Carlson cannot go lower, he makes sure that he does. In his latest diatribe of hate, terrible Tucker has declared that former President Barack Obama is a “hater.”

Carlson, who is precisely what hate would look like if hatred had human form, went on a tangent against Obama. Carlson also said that Obama and his wife should have “retreated” to Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii.

That Tucker hates Obama isn’t a surprise. Obama is everything Tucker is not. Obama is a great orator, is a kind and compassionate human being with an incredible history of giving back to the world. He remains deeply popular with the American People, as does former first lady Michelle.

So, this infuriates the little imp. Only Twitter folks were not having it. Faster than you could say, “go away,” the Twitter folks let Tucker have it.

“Why don’t you look in the mirror?” said many.

“Pot calling kettle” others exclaimed.

The mockery and calling out of Mr. Carlson was quite glorious to see. Of course, once again, his Non News network will stand by him, but it doesn’t matter.

The ratings of all Television Pundits are significantly down, and that includes Carlson. Much of his more bizarre behavior lately is undoubtedly because the little pipsqueak wants desperately to trap more viewers in his beastly web.

I have always maintained that this creature will go too far one day, and I stand by that. It was nice to see Twitter give him a good ole smackdown. I sincerely doubt he will learn from it.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report