Donald Trump’s “GETTR” social media network is already falling to pieces

Gettr! The word above refers to a new social media platform. Trump sycophant Jason Miller has launched this platform. Gettr (what a name!) is supposed to be an alternative to Twitter. But so far, things are not going according to plan.

First off, I just have to comment on the dreadful name. It’s like they want us to make fun of them. Who came up with this name? Was it Rudy? Could it have been Don Jr. in the middle of one of his rants? Whoever it is needs to be accountable because, to put it bluntly, this name absolutely sucks.

Moving on, we get to the the former guy himself. It would seem he has not yet joined this delicious site. There could be various reasons for that, but apparently, many a MAGA are disappointed about this. Then we come to the spam.

It would seem the site is littered with anime porn. And the site is having issues getting rid of it. Also, user participation on this horrible new site appears to be relatively low, at least for now. None of this is shocking. The former guy and his minions never seem to do anything well, so why this be any different?

And the site’s name is not helping. I’ve seen people say they have no idea how to pronounce it, no idea what it stands for, and many hate the name and are complaining about the “trending” topics on the site, which mostly seem to be racist in nature.

I think a better name for the site would have been rumormonger. Or dunderhead. Or even Kracken. How about you? What would be a good name for this flop of a site?

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