Don Lemon just nailed it

Don Lemon had quite a show this week. If the January 6th terrorist attack proved one thing, evil is alive and well and living in the GOP. The FBI has made many arrests since that horrible day and will make many more. But the trauma remains for many of the survivors of the attack.

Many of them have PTSD and depression. Don Lemon knows this, and this week, he had the mother of one of the heroic officers on his show. Officer Michael Fanone was the officer who was stun-gunned and brutally beaten. He survived, but his mother, Terry Fanone, spoke about how deeply the attack has hurt them and how outrageous it is to hear one Donald Trump talk about how the police were hugging and kissing the terrorists.

This is a classic case of Trump trying to control the narrative. It is also deeply sad to witness. Officer Fanone was beaten, tortured, and subjected to cries of “kill him with his own gun.” The fact that Donald Trump thinks these evil Terrorists are kind and decent people tells one everything they need to know.

Incredibly, the GOP who claim to Back the Blue are not speaking out against this. Or maybe it is not so incredible. The GOP have repeatedly shown themselves to be cowards who care about nothing more than preserving their job security and catering to an insurrectionist. We cannot let them hold power again.

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