Boris Johnson’s ugly lesson

The UK has one of the highest death rates per million in the world. Per million, the death toll from COVID-19 is higher than the numbing numbers in the USA.

As the umbers sky-rocket, the morgues are where Boris hopes to learn a lesson. The lesson he hopes to learn is what do about the pandemic itself. His hope, as he outlined in a recent presser, is how ‘they’ might be able to handle a pandemic in the future.
Well, isn’t that nice?

All those dead Britons are an object lesson for Boris and his administration. He’s confident that – as a very bright guy – he’ll learn the lesson the dead are whispering to him. His confidence is meant to be reassuring. He’ll learn from the fatal errors he’s perpetrated in failing to control and failing to properly and more effectively handle this ‘spot of bother.’

But, of course, as he makes clear, now is not the time to learn from those mistakes. Now is not the time to cast aspersions or point fingers. Now, as numbers of the dead from COVID-19 explode in the UK, as the infection rates soars and as his vaccine roll-out falters and fails, is not the time to do more than to ruminate and fret in reverie in a time when he’ll actually know what the feck he should do about controlling the pandemic.

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