Ana Navarro rips Ted Cruz to pieces

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Republican Ana Navarro recently slammed Ted Cruz, after Cruz dramatically tweeted, “Democrats actively encouraging riots & violence. They want to tear us apart.”

Navarro replied: “You spent months amplifying Trump’s ‘Big Lie’, which led to riots. U were on Senate Floor giving life to the ‘Big Lie’ when terrorists breached Capitol … You have no moral standing to lecture anyone about encouraging violence. ¡Callate!”

Cruz cited a UK Tabloid, reporting House Democrat Maxine Waters urged protesters, “We gotta’ stay on the street,” and “get more confrontational,” and misquoted her telling them to ignore curfews, which is hardly encouraging them to tear anyone apart, and is taken out of context. Cruz, the GOP and Fox News have some nerve to act all alarmed about it. And that’s what it is — an act.

Waters told demonstrators in Minnesota they may need to “get more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted of George Floyd’s murder. If that happens, they’ll be understandably confrontational regardless. Police will be sweeping the crowds and locking them up immediately – they won’t be given any chance to storm buildings, destroy property, injure police, then go home. But that’s not what Waters encouraged them to do.

Cruz is such a bad melodramatic actor, falsely accusing a respected congresswoman. Cruz and his cohorts are traitors who tried and condoned everything, including murderous violence, to install a psychopathic, fascist dictator, even after he made misogynistic attacks on his own wife. I’m so fed up with Cruz, I just can’t.

Maxine Waters said it best. She had Cruz and his cohorts pegged way before the insurrection, when she tweeted, on February 1, 2020: “I’ve never seen a more insufferable & pathetic group of Senators than those in the GOP. They’ve chosen to strap themselves to a corrupt con man they KNOW is guilty. They’re all cowards. None of them belong in the Senate.”

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