You’re darn right the walls are closing in on Donald Trump

Earlier this month, when it started to become abundantly clear that Donald Trump is indeed toast, Palmer Report predicted that the mainstream media would respond to these developments by ramping up the doomsday headlines about how Trump is getting away with it all. Sure enough, the New York Times went so far as to run a headline on Thursday about how Trump will “get away” with it all. The media is nothing if not predictable in these situations. Here’s the thing.

The January 6th Committee is now making clear – in its public statements, its leaks to the media, and its letters to certain House Republicans – that it has indeed spent these past several months fleshing out the entire basic framework of what Trump and his co-conspirators were doing on and around January 6th. It’s now making a move on Trump’s top allies, and telling the media that it’s looking to make a criminal referral against Trump himself, for a reason. It already has the evidence, and the televised hearings in the new year will be all about making its case to the American people so there’s overwhelming support for the criminal referral it ends up making against Trump.

Then there’s the news that retiring Manhattan DA Cy Vance has decided to hand his criminal case against Donald Trump to incoming Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who takes office next week. The doomsday types insisted all along that Vance would announce on his way out of office that Trump was off the hook. Instead he’s giving the case to Bragg, who recently stated in an interview that he’s making the case against Trump a priority. So yeah, Trump is going to be criminally indicted over his finances in New York.

Of course the impatient types, and the doomsday pundits who pander to their first fears, are insisting that this is “taking too long.” Fair enough. But for the legal process to work in these kinds of matters, it has to be done the long and hard way, or it fails. If Trump had been rush-indicted sooner, before the cases were fully in place, he’d perhaps have gotten off the hook.

But because these cases against Trump are clearly being built right, are being carried out in aggressive fashion, are ramping up, and have clearly hit pay dirt, it’s more plainly obvious than ever that the walls are closing in on Trump and he’s nearly finished off. Even he knows it, which is why his “press releases” in recent days have reached a level of incoherent fevered pitch insanity that’s bonkers even for him. Trump knows he’s toast. 2021 systematically destroyed him. The new year will finish him off.

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