Donald Trump’s press briefing today just started and it’s already the worst thing I’ve ever seen

Donald Trump has been on stage for just a few minutes thus far today, and this press briefing is already on track to be his worst. Trump is so far off track right now, this briefing is coming across more like a Saturday Night Live sketch aimed at making fun of his briefings.
Trump opened his briefing by reading off a list of ten countries. Then a moment later he read off the same list of countries again, but this time he flubbed it. Then he began reading from a newspaper op-ed that praised him. But the joke was on Trump because it included the line “It is hard to get aroused” โ and Trump dutifully read that line aloud without realizing what he’d just said about himself.
Trump then proceeded to rip open a coronavirus testing swab and waste it, at a time when there’s a dire shortage of testing swabs. That’s right, Trump just took a coronavirus test away from someone, thus putting lives at risk. He also reiterated his belief that the 1918 flu took place in 1917. Trump hasn’t even gotten to the Q&A session yet, which usually ends up being the most embarrassing part of his daily performance.
Notably, Donald Trump complained right off the top today that he’s tired. This is the first time we’ve heard him admit this. Malignant narcissists like Trump don’t usually admit that the pressure of their failures is getting to them. You have to wonder if he’s truly cracking. CNN is once again refusing to air Trump’s opening monologue. MSNBC has no excuse for the fact that it’s airing this trash.