Mitch McConnell broke his shoulder. Then his day managed to get even worse for him.

When “Moscow Mitch” McConnell started the day today, he was merely being blamed for siding with the Kremlin over the United States when it came to election security. As the day went on, McConnell managed to trip on his patio at his home in Kentucky and fracture his shoulder. In the hours since, his day has somehow managed to get even worse.

Even before his broken shoulder gave him a convenient excuse to stay home, Mitch McConnell was refusing to call the Senate back from recess and take up common sense gun control legislation. This came as no surprise, because he’s as much of an NRA puppet as he is a Russian asset. This led the blame for the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings to fall on McConnell’s (broken) shoulders nearly as much as it fell on Donald Trump’s white supremacist shoulders.

As the evening went on, the hashtag #MassacreMitch began trending on Twitter. Everyone from George Takei to John Fugelsang to Karine Jean-Pierre weighed in, thus helping ensure that the nickname stuck. Mitch McConnell was already visibly fuming mad over the “Moscow Mitch” moniker. What will he do now that he’s picked up yet another deservedly humiliating nickname? We’re here to remind Mitch that resignation is always an option.

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