Won’t be long now…

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It won’t be long now. There is a treasure trove that awaits us all. These are the criminal charges that the January 6 committee will be voting on to refer to the department of justice. Monday is the day that will happen. And the buzz is that there just might be more than one criminal referral against Donald Trump.

Politico is saying that, in fact, there are three criminal charges the committee will urge the Department of justice to consider. One of those is obstruction of an official proceeding. Another is conspiracy to defraud the United States Government. And the third is sedition.

It is being said that the January 6 report — long awaited will say that “Trump did not need an express agreement with rioters” to be guilty of sedition — but rather, “simply needed to provide aid or comfort.”

“Aid or comfort.” It is those three words that jump out at me. Can anyone really doubt that Trump provided “Aid or comfort?” He spurred them on. He planted the idea oh so lovingly in their little heads. He invented them. He said, on social media, to come forth. That it would be “wild.” He invited them, and his words caressed the anger centers in their brains.

He created his soldiers for battle. He tinkered with their minds, sowing the seeds of hate in their brains, filling them with deranged fury. And then he left them. But they didn’t appear to care. They did what he seemed to want them to do. In the spirit of Charles Manson, Trump turned them into his personal weapons of mass destruction, eagerly willing to love, honor, and always to obey.

And then, once the hate had manifested through the Capitol walls, he did nothing. He did nothing for hours except reportedly watching the goings-on on television. Perhaps he nibbled a cheeseburger. One thing he DIDN’T do was stop the madness. It seemed to please him.

And what has he done since? He’s talked about potential pardons for the terrorists. He’s commiserated with them. And he’s shown sympathy for them. Yes, he aided AND abetted and gave comfort. He created, birthed and designed the terror AND the terrorists, all from the comfort of the White House. A referral for insurrection? There is more than enough evidence for that.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report