Women roar against Donald Trump

As the stomach churns, we are now entering another world where the women are in charge and the men are running scared. Taking center stage in Donald Trump’s ongoing drama is Sean Hannity. Sean has been one of the loudest supporters of “President” Trump and has used his platform at the rape factory known as Fox News to spew Anti American sentiment against those who risk their lives every day to keep us safe from predators like Sean’s friends and coworkers.
Hannity’s fiery rhetoric against institutions charged with keeping us safe may be motivated by potential personal liability in the investigation surrounding “President” Trump and possible charges of espionage, treason, money laundering and witness tampering in an effort to get Trump elected.
Since the “election” of Trump, women all across America have been raising their voices in an effort to expose the predatory practices of men in power, like Donald J. Trump and now possibly Sean Hannity. Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, has been a strong voice in a sea of many attempting to hold such predators like Trump and his henchmen accountable for their nefarious actions.
Michael Cohen and Donald J. Trump won’t find a friend in Judge Kimba Wood, as not only is she a highly educated woman of integrity, she is the perfect woman to oversee all of the Stormy weather hovering over Trump’s swamp. She got her Master of Science from the London School of Economics in 1966. While she was overseas, she spent five days training as a Playboy bunny before quitting. She then got her JD Harvard Law School in 1969, at a time when there were fewer than twenty women in her class. She then broke the glass ceiling in the antitrust law field.
In a stunning display of Karma, it looks like the type of women who were once dismissed, belittled and intimidated by predators like Donald J. Trump and his buddies are now the same women currently in charge of draining the swamp and thereby making a better world for all to live in.

Virginia is a lifelong contributor to and supporter of the First Amendment.