Will Trump and the Republicans try to steal the election? Of course. Here’s why it won’t work.

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Now that it’s becoming more and more clear that Kamala Harris is in the driver’s seat, how is the media supposed to get its ratings? No one is going to sit there and stare at their screen in fear all day if the story is simply that Kamala is winning and Trump is losing. And really, with so many people now out there attending Kamala rallies or volunteering for her campaign, who has time to stare at the news all day?

This brings us to the New Scary Narrative that the media has settled upon: even if Kamala Harris wins, will Donald Trump just magically be installed anyway? I was really hoping the media wouldn’t resort to such tactics, especially not this early on, but it’s happening and I’m starting to get panicked emails about it. So let me try to address the topic.

Will there be Republican antics regarding the election outcome? Of course. There always are. We saw it in 2020. We saw it in 2016. We saw it back in 2000. It goes all the way back to Nixon. This is nothing new. Republicans are crooks with unpopular policies, so they try to cheat. And the one pattern we always see is that Republican cheating only works when it’s a close enough election to begin with.

In the 2000 election the closest swing state came down to about 500 votes, and so the Republicans threw it to Bush. In 2020 the closest swing state came down to about 20,000 votes, and so the Republicans weren’t able to throw it to Trump. If Biden had only won Wisconsin by 500 votes, Trump probably would have been handed the election. But because we all worked harder than that, they couldn’t take it away from Biden.

It’ll be the same story in 2024. Republicans at various levels inside and outside of the government will once again try to steal the election. But they will not suddenly have a magic wand this time. Republicans are only ever able to steal elections where the results are super close to begin with. So if you’re worried about a stolen election, don’t stare at your screen all day in fear about it. Get out there and make sure Kamala Harris wins by too big of a margin for it to be stolen. It really is as simple as that.

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