Donald Trump has a whole new problem

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Donald Trump has more than a few problems right now. He’s been caught red handed in a criminal plot against the United States. He’s being impeached. And his best defense against it all right now is to simply tweet delusional things about people like Adam Schiff being arrested, only to be surprised that it didn’t work. Now Trump has a whole new problem.

There are three different sets of numbers that are going to determine Donald Trump’s fate. Right now the impeachment polls are getting the most focus, for obvious reasons, and they’re showing that a rapidly growing number of Americans want Trump impeached and removed. There are also Trump’s 2020 election polls, which are terrible for him. Then there are the tried and true approval rating polls numbers – which is what Trump may have to worry about most of all.

Impeachment polls only show how many Americans want Donald Trump taken down, vs how many Americans don’t want Trump taken down. They don’t further break down how many people are in the “don’t impeach him” camp because they approve of him, as compared to how many people don’t want him impeached because they simply don’t want to go through the hassle of it. That’s where approval rating polls can be useful, because they reveal how many people actually still support him.

That’s why it’s such a problem for Donald Trump that today’s new CNBC poll has his approval rating at its lowest point ever. This is part of a trend where Trump is also bottoming out in other approval rating polls, and as Palmer Report loves to point out, the polling averages and overall trend are far more important than any one poll. These numbers tell us that Trump is losing his quasi-supporters outside of his core base – and without them he can’t survive.

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