Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now

In the twenty-four hours since he went on live television last night and sounded gravely ill, Donald Trump hasn’t tweeted anything that’s even sounded like it was written by him. Lindsey Graham has quarantined himself, out of what appears to be fear that he may have caught the coronavirus from Trump. Yet Trump is nowhere to be found today. Where is he?

Where is this guy? Where’s Donald Trump right now? The stock market dropped a stunning ten percent today. It’s down even further in overnight trading. And the stock market in Japan is currently down nearly ten percent in its own right, suggesting that the Dow Jones could be in even more trouble tomorrow. Yet Trump is nowhere.

Is Donald Trump sick? Has he been tested? Is he dying? Are his own handlers trying to cover for it? Is he merely pouting right now because it’s all going wrong for him? We need answers. If this guy can’t or won’t do the job, he needs to resign immediately.

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now