What the hell is Donald Trump even talking about?

This is a story of failure, of rage, and of a very special kind of psychopath. It was 5:00 AM in the morning—such a delicious time of day. At 5:00 am, the birds are just beginning their joyful songs. The sun is getting ready to rise, and many are still asleep. Still asleep and perhaps dreaming of the day Donald trump is carted off to jail.

Of course, some do not sleep. Instead, they choose to rage, spreading their fury at their lot in life. Donald John Trump, the other night was one of those people. Around 5:00 am, in the wee morning hours, a series of truthful social posts appeared. And they showed us what Donald Trump had been saying is true.

Donald always said he was special, the best. And, lo and behold, it is true. Donald Trump is the best — at temper tantrums. And he IS special — he is a very special type of psychopath. This outburst was one of the most bizarre ever seen from trump, and given how many outbursts he’s had, that is saying something.

“FIRST COME THE TANKS, THEN COME THE NUKES.” What in hell is the man talking about? Is he referring to Putin’s war against Ukraine? Is he worried we will all be nuked? No — that can’t be it. I say this because Donald trump has never given a damn about OTHER people in his life.

Perhaps he is afraid for himself then. I don’t know. It’s not like he EXPLAINED himself or anything like that.

Charles Cooke, from the National Review, seems to think trump is “deteriorating.” I agree. Cooke says Trump’s latest rants on truth social are “ranting like a deranged hobo in a dilapidated public park.” What an apt description! There is no telling if these rants will ever stop, but one thing is certain. They are worsening. Every day they get a bit more insane, more manic. Perhaps trump is going nuclear on a little platform, alone in the night, where only a few insomniacs can see him.

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