What the bleep was all that with George Santos and that baby?

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One of the many reasons House Republicans shouldn’t be allowing George Santos to remain in Congress while he’s awaiting criminal trial is that when you see him holding a baby that he admits isn’t his, before ditching the baby and running down the hallway while screaming the F-word, you truly don’t know if it’s just a clown show or perhaps some kind of bizarre criminal plot. After all, the guy is out on bail on twenty-three felony charges.

When the media asked Santos if the baby was his, he said “not yet.” What does that mean? People on social media are now asking, perhaps only half-jokingly, if this was some kind of kidnapping plot. That sounds like exactly the kind of thing you’d say while, you know, kidnapping a baby.

This is all so insane that even right wing publications are now mocking George Santos for the whole spectacle. We’re sure the baby is fine, but we still haven’t found any news outlets who have been able to identify who the baby was. And Santos’ only response thus far has been to tweet a video of himself screaming:

The person who confronted George Santos has apparently been arrested, so maybe Santos really is the victim in all this. But Santos is clearly completely out of his mind at this point. If he’s behaving like this now, what’s his behavior going to look like a week from now, once it sinks in more for him that he’s going to prison for a very long time? This guy is spiraling.

We’re pretty sure this whole thing wasn’t a kidnapping plot, but again, this guy is out on bail. What the bleep is he still doing serving in Congress? He shouldn’t even be allowed inside Congress on a guest pass.

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