What does CNN think it’s doing?

I’d like to offer warm congratulations to CNN. This is because of an interesting report that has surfaced. And if there is any truth to said report, CNN is gearing up to screw up even more than they already have — not an easy thing to do.
As you know, Chris Licht is the new President of CNN, and he has been hard at work doing his best to lure eyes to the embittered network. Only some of these ideas might not be in the network’s best interest or the viewers. According to Axios, Licht wants to move away from partisan politics — which is all well and good. How he wants to do it should alarm all of us.
Reportedly Licht is taking a close look at some of the CNN anchors who might be a bit too partisan for the “new CNN.” One of them is Jim Acosta. You see, I am sure where this is going.
Licht reportedly wants to move to the center. Licht has to realize that there is no center anymore. Unless Licht somehow signs up Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to be regularly featured on CNN, he’s got a problem.
There are few Republicans in the middle. That is because the GOP is no longer a party. An NRA mouthpiece? Check. A Donald Trump defender? Check. But a political party with ideas? Not.
Perhaps Licht knows this but doesn’t want to deal with the problem. There are reports that any CNN pundit who is too partisan — might be on their way out. Jim Acosta is specifically mentioned. Jim Acosta is the crown jewel of CNN — and frankly, one of the few reasons I bother to tune in at all.
If this report is accurate — and Licht’s idea of improving CNN is axing one of the few honest voices in political punditry — he is about to get a real surprise. CNN will lose MORE viewers if that happens. Acosta is loved. And people won’t take too kindly to yet another honest broker being pushed to the side in favor of dishonest brokers and fake news.
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