What does CNN think it’s doing?

CNN has a new president. That would be Chris Licht, who has recently started his new job at the unpopular network. And judging by what’s being whispered right now, I do not have much hope that unpopularity will end anytime soon. According to several reports, Licht wants to “make peace” with Fox non-news.

He also wants to take a shot at “convincing Republican officials back in its airwaves.” I feel I must speak out about this. As noted by nearly everybody critical of the network, one of CNN’s problems was that it “both sides” things too much.

Does anyone remember Rick Santorum? Does anyone remember the screaming matches that the guests would devolve into? It isn’t that many are opposed to having Republicans on. It’s just that there is a lack of Republicans to GET. Instead, we have insurrectionists. See, I believe ninety percent of Republicans would do the same thing Santorum did.

Why? Because the GOP is no more. Now we have a cult. Cults can’t listen to anybody else’s viewpoint. That is just the way cults are made. So what exactly does Licht plan to do? Invite Ted Cruz onto CNN? Does he think that will gin up ratings? Or perhaps he can invite Rand Paul to talk about imprisoning Dr. Fauci.

I’m serious here. I see CNN becoming more partisan under this strategy, not less so. Instead of thinking about it as Republicans and Democrats, why not just care about the truth? The problem with that idea, I suppose is that most Republicans don’t tell the truth.

Then there is the question of who will replace Chris Cuomo. Reportedly Licht wants to try a few different things before making that decision. It is going to be a tough decision. Cuomo had a big following, and many of those followers have left CNN as viewers. So we will see what is ahead for CNN. I don’t feel optimistic, but I’d love to be proven wrong this is one time.

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