What does Chuck Todd think he’s doing?

Andrea Mitchell. Chuck Todd. Jake Tapper. These are three pundits I do not like much at all. It is rare that I name specific pundits, but I feel I must today. We have a problem, and its name is fake news. To be clear — criticism of democrats is fine. We, unlike the GOP, are not a cult. Heck, I’ve criticized. I’m sure you have as well.
But there is a huge difference between healthy debate or not liking a policy and outright fabrication and fake news. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Jake Tapper wrings his hands at virtually everything President Biden does. I did write an article last week about Tapper combining the poll numbers of those who disapproved of Biden and those who were indifferent. That was very misleading and insulting to the viewer’s intelligence.
Now we have Chuck Todd bringing 2020 election deniers on television and Andrea Mitchell claiming Biden isn’t responsible for the lowering of gas prices. When does it end?
These pundits do incredible danger, and they’re smart enough to know it. You will notice I did not mention Anderson Cooper.
This is a good example of a fair journalist (that I’ve seen.) Cooper has been critical of the Biden administration, but he does it honestly and does not attempt to mislead his viewers. Neither does Lawrence O’Donnell. Neither does Brian Williams, who is very much missed.
These pundits mentioned earlier (plus a few more) don’t seem to care what the truth is, or perhaps they have lost their ability to see it. Much of what they say makes no sense, and things have gotten so bad, I usually do not watch them anyway.
And judging by their dismal ratings, neither do a lot of people. It is such a shame, at a time when the cable-news industry is doing a bit of a reboot, that the wrong people seem to be leaving.
2022 will show us much. We will see who replaces Williams. We will see who replaces Chris Cuomo. And if Maddow really does leave, MSNBC is going to have a huge problem in replacing her.
Obviously, folks like Todd and Mitchell are not going to cut it. Who will? Someone with intelligence, integrity, human decency, and straight talk. Who will this person be? I’ve no idea, but if it is any of this dismal group, the networks should prepare for even lower ratings than ever before.