We’re watching Joe Biden’s finest hour

President Biden has been three steps ahead of Putin, and one step ahead of the world, the entire time. Biden was the one who acted on solid U.S. intel that Putin was moving to invade. Biden was the one who made the decision to begin publicly announcing that intel in real time, flustering Putin out of the gate.

Biden is the reason all of these worldwide sanctions, frozen assets, disconnected banking systems, and consequences against Russia have come together behind the scenes. Ukrainian President Zelensky has been very publicly pushing various European nations to get on board with freezing out Putin, and he deserves all the credit you can heap on him. But you can bet your bottom ruble that the reason Zelensky has been able to push all these other nations into getting on board is that they’ve been privately hearing the same message from the President of the United States.

It’s as tough as ever to try to figure out precisely how this Russia crisis is going to play out. But we know this much: Russia is losing, and Ukraine is heroically hanging in there. Zelensky deserves every award you can possibly give him. But save a Nobel prize for Biden as well. The two of them might just end up single handedly saving the world and taking down Putin. We’re watching Joe Biden’s finest hour.

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