We’re going to make an actual difference

According to horror writer Stephen King, anyone who writes is a writer. King goes on to say, โ€œIf you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn’t bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.โ€ Despite what some of my critics may tell me, that makes me a talented writer. At least, thatโ€™s what Stephen King says. Anybody who has a problem with that can take it up with Mr. King.

Sometimes we have to nail our colors to the mast and admit what we are, no matter how humble the instance of what we are declaring about ourselves may be. For example, if those of you reading these words share the political opinions common to Palmer report and express those opinions publicly with a goal of changing someoneโ€™s mind, then you are an activist. Never mind if you are not the reincarnation of Susan B. Anthony, you deserve to be recognized as such and should not be ashamed of recognizing it in yourselves. As Wikipedia says, โ€œActivism โ€ฆ consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct or intervene in social, political, economic or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society toward a perceived greater good.โ€ Thatโ€™s you. Wear that badge with privilege and distinction.

We now live in an age where it is no longer sufficient to be a mere voter. You must also be an activist. There is too much at stake to do less. The very foundation of American democracy and freedom across the world is in deadly peril. The very survival of our species is at stake. We need activists by the millions. Or even billions. And we need them today.

Not to take anything away from the bullhorn-and-protest-sign end of the spectrum, but effective activism is best served these days on social media or when talking to friends one on one. Itโ€™s the most effective way to reach the greatest number of people. Do so whenever you can.

You donโ€™t need to commit your whole life to it to qualify. No one is asking you to be another Martin Luther King. Just do your part, speak up when you can, advocate for what is right and what is true, defend science, protect the voiceless, speak out for climate change legislation, promote justice, uphold truth, and, above all, encourage people to vote. Do what you can when you can. And if you make it a point to think of yourself and call yourself an activist, I think it will empower you to do even more.

As I say, you can be an activist online, in a letter to the editor or just by talking to a friend or a relative. The days of passive, apolitical apathy can no longer be sustained. Get involved in any way that you can. It wonโ€™t hurt. Start right away. As Anne Frank said, โ€œHow wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.โ€

But can we improve the world? I think we can. Margaret Meade said as much. One thingโ€™s for sure, if we donโ€™t try nothing will ever happen. We Palmer Report readers and writers may be relatively small in number, but we are thoughtful and committed, and that is enough. Or as Dr. Meade put it, โ€œNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.โ€ And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
To that end, Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our editorial and research staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate whatever you can to this effort. Our future and our way of life depend on it.