We’re four weeks away from a crucial election for the Democrats – and it has major 2024 implications

There’s so much hype about the 2024 election, you’d think we were already there. Specifically there’s a ton of hype around certain potential 2024 presidential candidates. As a reminder, this is still early 2023. The kicker is that the presidential race is the 2024 election that has the least definition so far. In contrast, a number of other 2024 elections and 2024-related elections are already fully underway.

For instance, the Wisconsin Supreme Court election is less than four weeks from now. This one actually has arrived. Given that Wisconsin is likely to be a 2024 swing state, this election next month will help determine whether or not the Wisconsin Supreme Court tries to steal the state for the 2024 Republican presidential candidate.

So if you get involved in this Wisconsin Supreme Court election now, and we win, you’ll have already tangibly increased the Democrats’ odds of winning the 2024 presidential election. There are a few ways to do that. You can sign up to volunteer, locally or remotely, on the Wisconsin Democrats official website. You can also donate to the Wisconsin Democrats so they can go out and win this Supreme Court election. Let’s go win this now. We’ll be glad we did later.