Vladimir Putin’s paranoia spirals out of control

It would appear that Putin wants something that he can never, in any possible way, gain control of. I’m not speaking of occupying Ukraine. I am speaking of a different kind of control. This would be the control of the souls of the Ukrainian people.

Per Business Insider, Putin appears to want to “break Ukraine morale.” We know this to be true as Putin is the type of person who can’t stand people who think for themselves He also despises resistance — boldness and audacity are not traits he admires if said audacity is against him.

Putin is also cracking down on his own people. According to the Business Insider article, police in Russia are stopping people in the streets and demanding to read their texts. If they resist, many are not allowed to pass. Paranoia has set in.

Putin wants to control everything. But there is one thing he can never have nor control: the essence — the soul — of the Ukrainian people.

Their souls are crystal -clear, and, unlike Putin, they have no room for hate. Their beings are the epitome – the embodiment — of courage and morality. When one is a murderous dictator, one isn’t satisfied until all resistance is quashed. This is one reason why Putin’s rage knows no limits.

He thought it would take naught but a day — and Ukraine and its people would be his. But no matter what happens and what types of evil Putin attempts, he can never possess the spirits of the Ukrainian people.

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