Uh oh: Sidney Powell fails to show for grand jury testimony

Former Donald Trump election lawyer Sidney Powell once vowed to “release the kraken” in relation to the 2020 election. Instead the kraken seems to be coming after her. She’s reportedly under DOJ criminal investigation, and even as we wait for details from that, Powell has been subpoenaed to testify in the Fulton County District Attorney’s criminal probe into the Trump 2020 election overthrow plot. Now Powell’s legal troubles may have gotten far worse.

Yahoo News is reporting that Sidney Powell was required to testify to the Fulton County grand jury on Thursday, but she failed to show up. Yahoo says that there was some unspecified “confusion” over the subpoena, and it’s not clear if her failure to show was intentional or by mistake.

Powell had better hope it was an honest mistake. While you can fight a congressional subpoena in court and drag it out indefinitely, grand jury subpoenas work very differently. Failure to show means you can be immediately held in contempt of court, and essentially dragged in. Of course the goal here is to get Powell to testify against bigger fish, not to simply haul her off for contempt.

So if this was just a mistake and prosecutors can still get Sidney Powell to immediately testify, they may be inclined to go that route. But if often unstable-sounding Powell is now so far gone that she’s intentionally blowing off grand jury subpoenas, then this will quickly take a very bad turn for her.

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