Ugly new scandal for Matt Gaetz

When writing about Matt Gaetz, it is usually because he has said or done something so stupid it warrants being covered. However, in this article, someone close to the pillowy-haired congressman is getting attention for all the wrong reasons.

Gaetz has made a new hire! And this staffer is wasting no time showing the country what a misogynistic, pathetic, sick, hateful fool he is. Meet Andrew Kloster. He is self described as a “raging misogynist.”

Kloster has a history of saying abhorrent things about women. Now let’s look at one of his tweets which should tell you everything you need to know about him: “I need a woman who looks like she just got punched.”

Nothing like a pathetic and uneducated misogynist laughing about punching women. And that isn’t all. The woman-hating staffer faces a class A misdemeanor in Texas for causing bodily injury toward — you guessed it, a woman. Well, he DOES sound qualified to work for Gaetz.

And what does the woman hater say about it all? “I’m 100 % women respecter precisely because I’m a raging misogynist. I’m so kind you’ll want to kill yourself and die, which is the goal.”

What a time we live in! When I was a kid, such a man as this would have a bright and wonderful future — in prison. So yes, this “man” is the latest hire of Matt Gaetz, another person who shouldn’t be in Congress but, unfortunately, is. Birds of a feather, I’d say.

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