The Mueller report is out, and holy crap it’s ugly for Donald Trump

When William Barr stepped before the cameras this morning and declared that Donald Trump had been cleared by Robert Mueller, he must have been hoping that narrative would leave a lasting presence on the day’s news cycle. But by the time the Mueller report surfaced midday, even in redacted form, Barr’s narrative instantly became a distant memory. The report is profoundly ugly for Donald Trump, on a stunning number of levels.

Where do we even start? The Mueller report says that during the election, Donald Trump told one of his advisers that “more releases of damaging information would be coming” from Russian puppet WikiLeaks. In other words, Trump knew what crimes the Kremlin was committing and when it was committing them. This is obviously collusion with the Russian government in the practical sense of the word. Trump also had Michael Flynn contact the late Peter Smith to try to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails; this has to be some kind of crime.

But the obstruction portion of the Mueller report is what’s particularly damning. Robert Mueller’s laundry list, which includes everything from Donald Trump having tried to fire Mueller, to the Trump regime having tried to destroy evidence, is far too long to spell out here. It’s all in the report, and the public, the media, and Congress will spend the next several days poring through them.

Then there’s this part where Robert Mueller basically tells House Democrats to go ahead and bring articles of impeachment so Donald Trump can be put on trial for obstruction of justice: “The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the president’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”

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