Two sides of the same coin

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“I don’t think Putin is as bad as people want to…Putin wants to go back to good morality.” The person who made that statement is not from the Kremlin. They are from America. They are a Trump supporter. It’s imperative to understand that Putin is part of Donald Trump’s bundle of hate. When one gets Trump, one gets Putin. Trump and Putin are two sides of the same coin. They float together in hate.

This post, by the way, went viral. Many pundits share looks of horror when they see stuff like this, but we KNOW that Maga will always choose Putin over America. The reason is simple — Donald Trump likes him. Therefore, they must too.

Their politics are also simple for Maga — believes what Trump tells them to believe. Let me give you an example. If Trump came out against Putin tomorrow, Maga would as well.

If Trump decided that the flu was fake, Maga would agree. If Trump said the earth was flat, Maga would agree and scream that science has lied to us for years.

Their brains are the wholly-owned property of Donald John Trump. That is why I always say the Maga are not going to change. Occasionally, one or two of them find their voices, but that is the exception rather than the rule.

If Maga were asked to name a Trump policy they did not agree with, they would not be able to. I know. I have asked them. It is tough, I realize, to accept the fact that a small number of our fellow Americans are cult members, but it is a reality.

They lack critical thinking skills. And they do not seem to want to find any. For Maga, anger is the only policy they believe in. So no this absurd statement I started this article with, does not surprise me. Not at all. Trump and Putin are two sides of the same coin as I said. But so is Trump and Maga. And water ALWAYS seeks — and finds — its own level.

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