Two Joel Greenberg associates were just criminally indicted, and it’s time for Matt Gaetz to start quaking in his boots

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

The thing about sprawling federal criminal investigations is that we’ll often learn about them through the media while they’re still ongoing, and then long stretches will go by where we don’t hear anything โ€“ creating the illusion that the case fell apart or petered out. But in reality it’s just that these kinds of probes take a lot of time to navigate, and most of the investigative and prosecutorial work that’s being done doesn’t get leaked to the media. It doesn’t mean the progress has stopped.

This brings us to the federal criminal case against Congressman Matt Gaetz, which reportedly includes numerous allegations including underage sex trafficking. This probe became public knowledge quite awhile ago, and there were reports that Gaetz would be indicted this summer. But then his associate Joel Greenberg cut a plea deal and turned over mountains of evidence against everyone he knew, and that kind of cooperation can have the paradoxical effect of causing a criminal investigation to take longer to produce indictments.

To that end, numerous observers on social media have begun to express skepticism as to whether Greenberg’s cooperation was ever going to produce results, or whether the whole thing might somehow be dead. But today, in what appears to be at least partly a result of Greenberg’s cooperation, two of his associates have been indicted on real estate fraud. These are two guys you’ve probably never even heard of. But their indictment proves that the Greenberg investigation is still very much active and is now producing criminal indictments.

So if the amount of time that’s passed since the Greenberg deal has lulled Matt Gaetz into believing that the entire probe has somehow magically gone away, these two arrests serve as a wake up call for Gaetz. If Gaetz is guilty, and if Greenberg has proof of Gaetz’s guilt, then Gaetz is going to be indicted and arrested. It may not happen as swiftly as some observers would like, but that’s not relevant to the process.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.